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What You Need To Know To Prevent Acne

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions that dermatologists treat. Recommended treatments range from over-the-counter skin products, spot treatment, and light treatment. In reality, the best remedy is prevention. Stopping breakouts before they happen keeps your skin clear and happy. Here are some guidelines to follow for perfect skin.

What Causes Acne?

To fully stop acne in its tracks, you need to first understand why it develops. Your skin is covered in pores, five million of them to be exact. Twenty thousand pores alone are found just on your face! Acne happens when these pores become clogged or blocked in some way. This is because there is something wrong with the gland, causing it to create too much oil. The chemistry in the gland is creating an oil that is too heavy. Realigning the chemistry and clearing the pores helps acne clear up.

A Dermatologist’s Guide to Preventing Acne

Though it’s easier to say and harder to follow, the best preventive tip for clear skin is keeping your face clean. Wash your face twice a day but no more than that. Doing it too often does more harm than good. Use warm water and some sort of mild facial cleanser. This removes dead skin cells and clears away excess oil. Pay attention to how hard you are scrubbing, making sure to avoid using too much pressure. 

Exfoliation is the name of the game. These products contain salicylic acid, which shrinks your oil glands and cleans your pores. You can buy over-the-counter exfoliation products. They are available in peel masks too. Dermatologists recommend mixing different types of products. Talk to them about recommendations or what would work best for you. 

If you notice more breakouts after using certain hair products, try switching to another alternative. Oils and fragrances can get on your face and clog your pores. Keeping your hair clean and oil-free will improve your acne as well. 

Makeup is a no-go when dealing with a breakout. You might be tempted to cover them up with foundation or concealer, but this will only make your acne worse. Always wash off your makeup when you’re done. If possible, only buy and use oil-free products. Labels that say “noncomedogenic” signify that they don’t cause acne.

Keep your hands to yourself. Avoid touching your face throughout the day. This is a good way to spread bacteria and irritate your pores. Avoid scratching or picking at your acne too.

Take the proper precautions when going out in the sun. Pay attention to the instructions on any skin products you use. Certain acne products make your skin extra sensitive to sunlight. Use sunscreen labeled as non-comedogenic to avoid acne breakouts. 

Follow these tips to keep your skin acne-free. If you notice that your acne is getting worse even with proper care, contact your dermatologist for an appointment. 

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