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Discover The Benefits Of Facials

Getting a facial can certainly feel like a luxurious, relaxing, and pampering experience but did you know that a facial could also provide your skin with some amazing health benefits? Not only does turning to a dermatologist ensure that you get quality and comprehensive care to treat everything from sun damage to acne, but also a dermatologist has the knowledge, skills, and tools to be able to provide customized facials that can target and treat common skin problems.

A facial offers the skin a variety of benefits including:

A facial can also be tailored to your skin type and the concerns or dermatological issues you are worried about. A facial can be used to treat:

One facial won’t be able to address all skin issues you may have, but our dermatological team can work with you to create a customized facial and treatment plan that will be able to treat any and all problems you’re concerned about.

The products that we use during your facial will also depend on the results you’re hoping to achieve. For example, certain enzyme peels and products with glycolic acid can help to remove dead skin cells to produce fresh, radiant skin while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. If you have questions about the different products we use and their ingredients, or if you have any allergies, it’s important to discuss this first with your skin doctor.

Getting regular facials can be a great way to keep skin looking and feeling its best, and it should be a normal part of most people’s skincare routines. Along with keeping skin clean and hydrated, facials can also target problem areas when they arise. Have questions about facials? Ask your dermatologist today.

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