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Are You Dealing With Acne?

Discover helpful acne-fighting tips and trick to achieve clearer skin. 

You’re trying to find the right way to get your acne under control, right? Well, there are certainly so many options out there that it can be a bit daunting. First and foremost, if you are just starting to deal with acne then you may want to tackle the issue from the comfort of your own home before turning to a dermatologist for help.

At-Home Treatment Options 

The first line of defense is usually to try an over-the-counter acne cleanser or topical cream that contains an active ingredient such as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. It’s important to be patient when it comes to seeing results. No acne product will work overnight. In fact, it can take anywhere from 4-6 weeks of consistent use before you start to notice results from commercial acne products, so don’t give up on a product too soon.

Other tips to follow include:

When to See a Dermatologist

If you are having trouble getting your acne under control after weeks of trial and error, or if your acne is severe and painful then it’s time to enlist the help of a dermatologist who will be able to provide you with more effective strategies for getting rid of your acne. After all, there are different things that can cause acne and it’s important that your skin doctor figures out what’s causing your acne so that they can create the right treatment plan for you.

Dermatologist-Approved Acne Treatment Options 

Depending on what’s causing your breakouts, a dermatologist may recommend these treatment options:

Have questions about getting your acne under control? Then it’s time to consult with a dermatologist.

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